
Welcome to the page related to signing documents for JHBR.

If you wish to electronically sign a direct debit mandate for your payments to JHBR, Click Here. This will bring you directly to JHBR's secure NuaPay website where you can enter your details and complete the entire process on your device or PC. It should take less than 5 minutes, if you have your bank details (IBAN) to hand. (Mandates can be cancelled by emailing at any time.)

In order to sign a document relating to a licence, agreement or similar offered electronically by JHBR, please be aware you do NOT need any software or plug-in to be added to your device. Depending on the nature of your device (phone, tablet, PC) you can type or trace your name onscreen or use a keyboard and press the "Click to sign" button at the bottom of the screen once completed.

Adobe provide a handy tutorial including a short video at this (external) link.

Show more details about electronic signatures
Adobe's FAQ describes electronic signatures in the following terms:

An electronic signature, or e-signature, is a legal way to get consent or approval on electronic documents or forms. One of the most relied upon definitions of an electronic signature defines an electronic signature as: “…an electronic sound, symbol, or process attached to or logically associated with a record …adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record.”

Electronic signatures are:

  1. Legal – Electronic signatures are legally binding in nearly every industrialized nation, and even less developed countries are beginning to enact e-signature laws. In 2000, the United States passed the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (ESIGN) Act, making e-signatures legal for virtually all uses. The European Union passed an electronic signature directive in 1999 that member states used as the foundation for country-specific laws. (JHBR comment - This includes Ireland)
  2. Tested – Adobe Sign has been the highest-rated e-signature app in the Salesforce community since 2006. Many Fortune 500 companies and government agencies, and tens of thousands of small to medium businesses, rely on Adobe Sign to process tens of millions of agreements every year.
  3. Secure – Electronic signatures are more secure than written and fax signatures. Adobe Sign manages the complete process, including routing documents, guiding signatures or approvals, generating notifications, and storing signed documents in a secure environment. In addition, the final document is certified with a tamper-evident seal.
  4. Auditable – The process of gathering electronic signatures from multiple parties is completely tracked to ensure compliance. Adobe Sign maintains a detailed audit trail that logs all events and actions taken by the people who participated in the transaction.
  5. Verifiable – Electronic signature processes can use a variety of methods to authenticate the identity of signers. Typical “e-signature” processes send the document to be signed to a specified email address and use the recipient’s access to that email account as a basic form of authentication. To increase security, many businesses rely on additional authentication steps (multi-factor authentication) to guarantee the identity of people signing important documents. Examples include phone authentication, one-time passwords, social network identities (for example, Facebook), and Knowledge Based Authentication, which requires signers to prove their identity by answering questions unique to them. Another form of authentication is commonly known as a “digital signature” and requires people to sign with a certificate-based digital ID. Each signature is encrypted and bound to the document. Both the signer’s identity and the integrity of the signed document can be validated through a trusted third-party certificate authority.


Some external links have been removed from the Adobe FAQ text, in order to simplify reading. Full text at this link.