Take-Out - delivery available
- Mizzoni's Pizza Deliveries - (01) 282 8702
Dining & Pubs - Local
- Bay Café Ballinacarrig (walking distance) - (0404) 47965
- McDaniel's Bar and Restaurant (0404) 71053
- Jack White’s Inn Pub – N11, turn for Brittas Bay - (0404) 47106
- Trip Advisor suggestions in the area
Further away
- Arklow Bay Hotel Arklow - (0402) 26200
- The Meetings Bar & Lounge Avoca (0402) 35226
- Eddie Rocket's Bridgewater Shopping Centre Arklow (0402) 29584
- The Brunch Cafe, Inbhear Mor Square, Arklow Y14VF72 - 0402 60095 (Mon:Sat 8am - 4pm; Sun 9am-2pm)
Gluten Free Options Available (at the time of listing)
- Bay Café Ballinacarrig (walking distance) - (0404) 47965
- The Meetings Bar & Lounge Avoca (0402) 35226
- The Happy Pear Cafe Greystones (see site for locations)
- Campo de Fiori Bray (01) 276 4257
- The Wicklow Heather Glendalough (0404) 45157
If you operate (or are aware of) an eatery close to JHBR and would like it to be included in this list, please email details to office@jhbr.ie